Using GI Bill® Benefits


Where to start in your GI Bill® Benefits process

The VA Academic year is defined as Aug 1-July 31.

For general questions about how your benefits may work at St. Ed’s, feel free to call us or to schedule an appointment. 我们希望确保您在使用GI法案®福利来攻读任何批准的学位或证书课程时,充分了解您的期望.

Have you applied for GI Bill® benefits with the VA?

If you have not, please visit and apply at your convenience.

Are you working with a Ch.退伍军人事务部职业准备和就业顾问建立福利?

请与我们联系,并分享您的VR的姓名和VA电子邮件地址&E顾问. We’ll coordinate from there.

您是否已经申请了GI Bill®福利并收到了VA的决定?

上传 your GI Bill® Certificate of Eligibility, or a Post-9/11 GI Bill® statement from, through our secure veteran benefits portal.


GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of 退伍军人事务部 (VA). 有关退伍军人管理局提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问 官方U.S. 政府网站. 


Request to be Certified for GI Bill® benefits                                                              Upload your Veteran Benefits paperwork

Ch的. 33, Post 9/11 GI Bill® at 100% eligibility, funding levels for the VA ’24-’25 academic year

The VA will provide up to $28,937.9/11后退伍军人法案®学费和杂费资助,适用于2024-2025学年就读私立大学的9/11后退伍军人法案®受益人,资格水平为100%. St. 爱德华的 is a private university.

*If you are not 100% eligible, 您可以将您的资格百分比与9/11后GI法案®100%的资助率相结合,以确定您的“24- 25”分配.

Ch. 33价目表

Yellow Ribbon program, funding levels for the VA ’24-’25 academic year:

When the Post 9/11 GI Bill® beneficiary exhausts all $28937.09 in Post 9/11 GI Bill® funding, the VA will provide up to an additional $10,000美元用于支付同一学年的学费和杂费. Each VA Yellow Ribbon funding dollar received by St. 爱德华的 will be matched by St. 爱德华的 Yellow Ribbon funding. 这可以为符合条件的学生提供高达20,000美元的VA/St组合. 爱德华的黄丝带基金与退伍军人事务部24- 24学年的学杂费相匹配.

24- 25年9/11后GI法案®学费/杂费资助100%合格,所有可能的黄丝带:48美元,937.09


"The VA will provide up to $ $28,937.09  in Post-9/11 GI Bill® tuition and fees"


Ch. 35 DEA学生将根据他们的学习成绩获得津贴.

St. 爱德华的全日制本科学时被定义为12个学分, and graduate is 9 credit hours. We certify all credit hours meeting degree requirements to the VA.

Ch. 35个价目表

Ch.31 VR&E:根据学生的CH,所有学费和杂费都支付给符合学位要求的课程.31 degree program agreement provided by VA VR&东至圣. 爱德华的

St. Ed’s verifies your program eligibility when your VR&E顾问 provides us with an education “purchase order”. 请与我们联系,并分享您的VR的姓名和VA电子邮件地址&E顾问. We’ll coordinate from there.


学生的采购订单将详细说明VA希望支付的学位课程. 如果是Ch.31 VR&E student is taking courses outside of the VA approved degree plan, we will reach out to the student’s VR&E咨询师了解他们是否会为这些课程提供资金.

St. 埃德的书店是与巴诺书店签订的第三方合同. 31岁的学生. We inform the student’s VR&E顾问 to send a separate purchase order to the St. 埃德的书店.

Ch. 30, Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB-AD)学生的津贴是根据他们认证的学期追求率支付的.

St. 爱德华的全日制本科学时被定义为12个学分, and graduate is 9 credit hours. We certify all credit hours meeting degree requirements to the VA. 

Ch. 30个价目表

Ch. 1606, Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR)学生将根据他们的学习成绩获得津贴.

St. 爱德华的全日制本科学时被定义为12个学分; graduate is 9 credit hours. We certify all credit hours meeting degree requirements to the VA.

Ch. 1606价目表

“黄丝带”计划为使用“黄丝带”计划的学生提供超出规定学年学费和标准费用上限的额外资金.33 Post-9/11 benefit at the 100% eligibility level. 这不包括现役军人的学生或从现役军人那里获得转移福利的配偶.

  • We have 250 slots for veterans and their dependents
  • Our annual amount is $20,000 in additional funds ($10,000 from SEU and $10,000 from VA) and helps offset a portion of tuition and fees. 学生负责支付退伍军人福利之外的任何余额. 


  • 符合9/11后(第33章)GI法案®教育福利的100%水平
  • Maintain good academic standing at St. 365比分网电竞, must be meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress 标准.
  • 被录取为攻读学位的学生,净学费和杂费高于退伍军人事务部公布的年度最高费率

    Note: Unused funding does not roll to the next academic year.

黄丝带计划适用于圣·霍普金斯大学的大多数学位课程. 爱德华的. 联系 the Military & 退伍军人事务部 Coordinator for more information.


退还学费援助:军事学费援助(TA)授予学生,前提是学生将在获得援助的整个期间就读. When a student withdraws, 该学生可能不再有资格获得原来颁发的全额助教资金.  St. 爱德华大学将按比例返还任何未获得的助教资金,至少返还资金提供期间的60%. TA funds are earned proportionally during an enrollment period, 不劳而获的资金将根据学生休学时间返还.

16-week Course Withdraw submitted

Before or during Week 1                    100% return

During Weeks 2-4                                75% return

During Weeks 5-8                                50% return

在9至10周中                                  40%的回报(当然完成60%)

During Weeks 11-16                               0% return

12-week Course Withdraw submitted

Before or during Week 1                    100% return

During Weeks 2-4                                75% return

During Weeks 5-6                                50% return

在星期7                                        40%的回报(当然完成60%)

During Weeks 8-12                               0% return

8-week Course (Including Distance Education) Withdraw submitted

Before or during Week 1                    100% return

During Week 2                                      75% return

During Weeks 3-4                               50% return

在星期5                                       40%的回报(当然完成60%)

During Weeks 6-8                               0% return

By phone: 888-442-4551

网络: 问

You should contact the VA when:

  1. You have a question about any VA GI Bill education benefit
  2. 您想了解由于您的《365bet足球比分》认证而获得/将获得的报酬
  3. 您想确认您的剩余福利或询问有关已提交的福利申请.
  4. 您要更改您的直接存款、地址或记录中的电话号码.

As a private university, St. 爱德华的 is unable to participate in the Hazlewood Program.

  • 黑兹伍德法案 免除在德克萨斯州公立高等教育机构上课的合格学生的学费和杂费,但不包括物业押金或学生服务费.



Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Student Financial Services Room 204


(512) 492-3193

Submit 金融援助 Paperwork


Student Financial Services
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